At My Bariatric Solutions, we understand the challenges of dealing with obesity and the impact it can have on your health and quality of life. That's why we are dedicated to providing comprehensive bariatric surgery options that are tailored to your individual needs, helping you achieve long-term success in your weight loss journey.

To learn more about your weight loss options or to set up a consultation, call (940) 249-9009.

Gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass surgery has been around the longest and has been shown to help resolve Type II diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and other obesity-related health conditions.

Are you a candidate for gastric bypass surgery

The team at My Bariatric Solutions works with you through an extensive screening process to determine if this procedure is right for you.

  • Patients with 35+ BMI
  • Those who suffer from severe heartburn
  • Patients who are insulin dependent diabetics

The gastric bypass surgery procedure

The Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass surgery falls under both the restrictive and malabsorptive categories of weight loss surgery. During the gastric bypass procedure, we restrict the size of the stomach by creating a pouch with staples or sutures. Then the pouch is routed past the upper section of the small intestine and straight to the middle section, known as the jejunum. The procedure can be done openly or laparoscopically.

How does gastric bypass surgery work

Gastric bypass surgery helps you lose weight by altering the way your stomach and small intestine work together to handle food. The procedure allows you to both eat less to feel full and absorb fewer calories.

What to expect after gastric bypass surgery

Typically, this type of weight loss surgery requires the most lifestyle changes, including avoiding simple sugars, chewing your food well, taking vitamins regularly and not drinking within 30 minutes of a meal. My Bariatric Solutions provide you with expert advice from a licensed dietician as well as a notebook containing food guidelines after your surgery to take home and use as a reference.

Because gastric bypass surgery restricts the body’s ability to absorb vitamins and nutrients, as well as calories, post-operative guidelines on diet and vitamin intake must be followed. We are here to help make sure that if you have questions or need support, we can help.

What are the side effects of gastric bypass surgery

As with any surgery, patients could experience side effects after Gastric Bypass. These could include infection, hernias, ulcers or bleeding. One of the most common side effects, known as Dumping Syndrome, can help train the body to be successful post- surgery. “Dumping” occurs when food, particularly simple sugars or simple carbohydrates move to the intestine too quickly and causes dizziness, sweating and other discomforts. Much like heartburn or other food reactive disorders, dumping helps train the body to steer clear of foods that cause discomfort and helps prevent patients from falling back into bad eating habits.

Gastric sleeve surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is the procedure of choice for most patients seeking bariatric surgery, both in our practice and nationwide. Done laparoscopically, it is an easier surgery to perform and to recover from than gastric bypass and produces results which are comparable to the bypass procedure. Most of the patients we see are excellent candidates for this procedure and do extremely well adhering to the plan we customize for them.

Are you a candidate for gastric sleeve surgery

The team at My Bariatric Solutions works with you through an extensive screening process to determine if this procedure is right for you.

  • 30+ BMI
  • Patients with prior weight loss attempts who agree to psychological and cardiological evaluations and commit to participate in ongoing care

The gastric sleeve surgery procedure

During a sleeve gastrectomy, our bariatric surgeon will generally use special laparoscopic instruments to access the abdominal cavity through several small incisions and remove 85 percent of your stomach. The remaining portion of your stomach, which will be roughly the size and shape of a banana will still process food normally but just requires smaller amounts to feel full.

How does the gastric sleeve surgery works

Gastric Sleeve surgery works in two ways. First, because the stomach is smaller, you naturally will eat less and not take in as many calories. But there are also chemical changes that help control hunger. By removing the part of the stomach that produces “hunger hormones” such as ghrelin and leptin, the appetite is significantly diminished.

What to expect after gastric sleeve surgery

After surgery, you will gradually introduce foods to your system as your body gets used to a smaller stomach. For the first few weeks, you’ll be on a liquid diet and will graduate to pureed, soft and regular foods over time and based on our post-surgical analysis. With a smaller stomach, you’ll need to eat smaller meals, learn to chew your food very well and be mindful of foods that cause irritation, like high-calorie and high-sugar drinks. With smaller meals also comes a greater need to supplement your daily vitamin intake. Our on-staff nutritionist and health and wellness specialists can work with you on the long-term nutrition and exercise needs that will maximize your success. Many of our staff members have had bariatric surgery and can give you insight on how to maximize your success.

What are the side effects of gastric sleeve surgery

Even though gastric sleeve surgery is less risky and less invasive than gastric bypass surgery, bleeding, infection, and blood clots in your legs are possible side effects. Some patients may also develop a narrowing of the stomach sleeve, experience heartburn or have trouble absorbing certain nutrients.

Gastric band surgery

Gastric band surgery is considered the least invasive technique for weight loss surgery. The procedure is popular because it is quick, doesn’t require as much recovery time and is reversible.

Are you a candidate for gastric band surgery

The team at My Bariatric Solutions works with you through an extensive screening process to determine if this procedure is right for you.

What to expect during gastric band surgery

During the procedure, our surgeons use small incisions in the abdomen to implant a soft silicone ring around the top part of the stomach. That ring is attached to a tube, which is accessible through a port under the skin of the abdomen. Using the port and the tube, surgeons can inject saline to inflate the band to decrease the size of the stomach and limit food intake.

How does gastric band surgery work

Like many other weight loss surgeries, gastric band surgery decreases the size of the stomach, so you don't need as much food to feel full. Because all food consumed is digested and absorbed naturally, there is less chance of nutritional deficiency and our doctors can adjust the band to control how food flows for long-term weight loss goals.

Bariatric revisional surgery

At My Bariatric Solutions, we work diligently to not only help you choose the right bariatric procedure, but our comprehensive program is designed to maximize long-term results. We pride ourselves on giving our patients the necessary tools to get the most out of their weight loss journey, but it is not uncommon to reach a plateau for weight loss that falls short of the desired goal. This is the most common reason for revisional surgery, but some patients with medical and co-morbidity issues who do not see resolution can opt for revisional surgery, as well. Lastly, sometimes complications from the initial surgery arises and revisional surgery is needed to repair or improve the procedure.

Types of bariatric revision surgery

There are several types of revisions we perform including the following:

  • LAP-BAND to Gastric Sleeve
  • LAP-BAND to Gastric Bypass
  • Re-Sleeve
  • Sleeve to Bypass
  • By Pass Revisions

About bariatric revision surgery

We ideally like to perform revisional bariatric surgery laparoscopically to minimize scarring. Because all our patients’ needs for revisional surgery are different, we carefully plan and tailor each revisional procedure to ensure the greatest chance for success.

What are the risks of bariatric revision surgery

Just like any other procedure, revisional surgery does pose risks and should be thoroughly discussed with our team. Because this procedure goes back to the site of a previous surgery, the risk for infection is increased. Additionally, the risk for preoperational complications is higher than the initial procedure, but at My Bariatric Solutions, you have an entire team of surgeons and experts in the field who can help you decide when revisional surgery is needed.

Am I a candidate bariatric revision surgery

  • Patients with failure of weight loss or maintenance of weight loss.
  • Patients who experience difficulty swallowing
  • Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Patients with band slip or complications
  • Patients with an internal hernia, leak or fistula
To learn more about our team or to set up a consultation, call (940) 249-9009.